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Children & Youth Ministry

Faith - Community - Family

Connecting Church and Home

Abstract Background
SS on Demand


From our Education Director Cyndie D.:


Happy Fall! I hope you all had a relaxing and refreshing summer. Although we are still waiting patiently and prayerfully for a permanent pastor, we have been so blessed to have Pastor Mentz to faithfully fill that gap.


Another vacancy we will be experiencing this coming year is a leader for our Sunday School program for children. Due to family commitments, Erin will be stepping back from teaching Sunday School. I personally want to thank Erin for her faithful service!


In this light, we have been in deep conversations on how to revise the Sunday School program. This is the new plan: The children will leave the service when normally the Children’s Message is held and enjoy a Bible story, a craft, a prayer, and a song. They will return in time to be blessed during Communion. We still need several volunteers to serve once a month for one half hour. Please pray about serving in this manner. Materials and crafts will be provided! 

Contact  Cyndie, Madonna or Amanda for more information.

Youth NEWS

To create a richer youth group experience, we are coordinating efforts with St. Paul’s Annapolis, First Lutheran Odenton, and Trinity Bowie to allow the youth from the four congregations to join together in fellowship. The plan is for the combined youth group to meet once a month, with the first meeting being held at St. Paul’s Annapolis on Sunday, September 8 at 5pm. The evening will include food, fellowship, and a devotion/Bible study component. 

We will host the October gathering on October 13 starting at 5pm with plans to bring out the fire pit and outdoor games. Reach out with any questions, or if you are interested in attending and carpooling for the gatherings. 


Thank you to those who continue to support Bags of Hope.

Currently, the most needed items for donation are:

Travel Tissue packs and snack bags of crackers/cookies


Bags of Hope!

Youth are also busy preparing a service project, Bags of Hope!, and are asking for the congregation’s help. The youth want to bring hope and show kindness to those less fortunate that are encountered standing along the road in our communities. 


First, they ask that you consider donating to the project by purchasing items listed below and bringing them to a drop off box at the youth room. Alternatively, you are welcome to donate funds and the youth will do the shopping for you. 

This is a ongoing service project, so donations continue to be collected:

Gallon storage bags

Water bottles

Protein/granola bars

Snack bags of crackers/nuts/cookies

Travel hand sanitizer

Travel tissue packs

Single wrapped masks

Single pair socks/gloves

Winter hats


Secondly, bags are currently available in a box in the church narthex, and they ask that you consider taking one or more to help distribute during your travels. In addition to the items to be purchased, a card with a Bible verse and resource information is included in the bags. If you pick up a bag, keep it in your car, and distribute when you encounter someone in need when driving. 

The youth would like to express a resounding THANK YOU to all who have supported Bags of Hope! through donations and/or taking a bag for distribution.

"Youth" are 6th grade through 12th grade

Questions?  Please contact the St. Paul's Youth Leaders:

Chad and Andrea M

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Balloons Floating in the Air


Youth Group News:

The youth room has it's very own Keurig and will be serving up hot cocoa on Sunday mornings for the tweens and teens to sip on.

Mission News:

The St. Paul's youth were a big help assisting the rest of the St. Paul’s congregation with packing 111 school supply kits in 16 boxes for Lutheran World Relief.

Have Questions?


Closeup of a Black Dog

CONFIRMATION CLASS- please contact the church office if you would like your child to attend or if you'd like more information.

Mark 10:14 

"Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to them."

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