"Faith is a living, daring confidence in God's grace, so sure and certain that a man could stake his life on it a thousand times." -Martin Luther
Core Beliefs
By Grace Alone
We believe that all human beings are born sinful (that is unable to have a right relationship with our God), that sin shows itself in our behaviors and actions throughout our lives. The only way to be set free from the power of sin is through God’s grace (His love for all people, a love that cannot be earned, but is freely given). God’s love is revealed fully and completely through His only Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus came into this world as true God and true man. Through His death on the cross of Calvary, Jesus took the full punishment for our sin to bring us back into a new relationship with God our Father/Creator. Jesus' resurrection from the dead is God’s affirmation that we are forgiven through “faith alone”. The church is not made up of perfect people, but of people who understand and are seeking God’s love and power for their lives.
By Faith Alone
Luther described faith as the “hand which reaches out and takes hold of all the promises of God in Jesus.” We are saved from the power of sin simply by trusting in what God tells us: we can never do enough on our own, we can never be “good enough” to earn His love, He gives it freely through faith. Through faith, we then take hold of the power God gives us through His Holy Spirit to live new lives. We are never “perfect” as we live our lives, but living in faith we try to lead God pleasing lives, trusting in His forgiveness when we fail. All of this is revealed to us through God’s Word found in the Bible.
By Scripture Alone
The Bible is the foundation and source for all our beliefs, through His Word, God has revealed everything we need in order to come to faith, find forgiveness and live a new life. Throughout our lives we seek to grow in our knowledge of God’s Word and experience its power as we live out our faith.