Look Below for Events that just occurred!

Lutheran Mission Society Miracle of Christmas
THANK YOU for supporting local families in need this holiday season
by donating gifts and gift cards
Many thanks to the people of St. Paul’s for the generosity shown during the Christmas season in support of the Miracle of Christmas activities of the Lutheran Mission Society (LMS).
The Empty Nesters again this year contributed a sizeable quantity of new toys for children of families in need. Included was a bicycle that no doubt brought happiness to one child this season!
Additionally, the congregation “adopted” three families to assist for Christmas. These were families selected for us by the LMS.
St. Paul’s families purchased every need identified or provided funds for their purchase and also contributed $500 in grocery/gift cards!
The gifts were all sorted by family, packed, and delivered to the LMS. Thank you, congregation!

Saturday 12/9/23 2 - 3pm
Followed by a Christmas Cookie Fellowship!
See November Newsletter for more information

Sunday 12/3/23 6 - 8pm
A wonderful, quiet way to bring in the holiday season, this has become a tradition at St. Paul’s for ladies of all ages.
'Martin Luther' (aka Pastor Mentz) nailing the 95 theses to the church door on Reformation Sunday 10/29/2023


How exciting!!!!
St. Paul's Fall Quilters Sale brought in over
$19000 for charity!
What a quilting and community effort!
Check out Dorothy's Thank You in the Nov. newsletter!

Pastor Mentz, Dorothy Clark (Head Quilter), and Zac Huffman (St. Paul's President)
School Kit Assembly Time for ALL AGES occurred !
9/17/23 after Worship Service! Check out some of the photos below!
Thanks to the generosity of the congregation and Thrivent Action Cards, we have collected enough school supplies to make over 100 School Kits for Lutheran World Relief.
God's Work, Our Hands!