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Prayer Team


As Christians, most of us have a general awareness that it is a good thing to pray for other people and to have other people praying for you. But perhaps praying for each other is more than “good,” perhaps it is crucial.

According to Scripture, praying for other people is massively important to their success in ministry, life, and connection with God. 

We should spend time praying for each other because one of the biggest benefits to intercessory prayer is that it increases our love for another.  Praying for people not only has impact on their life since you are helping usher in the hand of God when it corresponds to his will, but praying for others also changes your heart towards that person.

God can accomplish his plans for us even if we don’t have a prayer team doing intercession on our behalf.  The GOOD NEWS is that St. Paul’s has recently established our very own prayer team!  Currently they meet virtually from 1 - 2PM every Thursday to pray for our church ministry, our community, and our world.

Blessings and prayers for their success as we recognize St. Paul’s current Prayer Team:


Sadie Becoate


All are welcome. Please consider joining in prayer.


Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 821 4416 5594

Passcode: 906760


If you need to dial in, call 301-715-8592

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